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Marlborough's Early Churches
There was a tradition of tolerance and goodwill between Marlborough's Christian churches from the earliest days when dedicated ministers and priests covered hundreds of miles of the undeveloped and...
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The Murchison Earthquake
*Shaky Ground* For centuries before Europeans arrived, Māori had experienced rū whenua - ‘the shaking of the land'. According to Māori tradition, earthquakes are caused by the god Rūaumoko (or...
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Lure of gold - Aorere
A few specks of gold, found in the Aorere Valley by a musterer in October 1856, saw more than 2000 men flood into Massacre Bay over the following...
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The Mahitahi or Maitai River
The river flowing through Whakatū, or Nelson is commonly known as the Maitai, however this is probably a corruption of its original name of Mahitahi or Maitahi. The...
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Nelson's Landmark Cathedral
A Royal Decree from Queen Victoria in 1858 not only established a Bishop's See, allowing the construction of Nelson's cathedral, the Church on the Hill, but also changed the...
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