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You searched for whaling
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Whekenui Leading Lights
One of the sites recently added to the Marlborough District Council’s Heritage Register is the Tory Channel Leading Lights, plus a former oil store, at Whekenui (part of Okukari...
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The Grove Okiwa
The Grove near Okiwa in the Marlborough Sounds, now flat farmland, was once covered by extensive kahikatea forest. The name Okiwa probably refers to a chief named Kiwa,...
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Wreck of the City of Newcastle
City of Newcastle was a three-masted barque, 133 feet long and, at the time of her wreck, 39 years old. A frequent traveller between New South Wales and...
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New Zealand Company
The New Zealand Company, a commercial enterprise formed in Britain, dispatched an expedition to establish its second New Zealand settlement, to be named Nelson, in 1841. New Zealand Company...
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The Neal Canoe1902
In 1902, while whaling along Rarangi Beach, Edward Neal spied a long, overturned canoe somewhere along the beach. He returned with a team of horses and dragged the...
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